Monday, September 04, 2006

A Northern Autumn

So, I had strawberry ice-cream for supper last night. Just strawberry ice-cream, and nothing else. The day was gorgeous – finally a day with not a cloud in the sky. There just seemed to be better things to worry about than cooking. Went berry-picking out along the highway with a friend, her sister, and her niece. I now have more cranberries than I know what to do with. It's too bad that my baking skills are nil. Two falls ago, after a crazed session of cranberry-picking, I had thrown several handfuls of berries into some cupcake batter I was making, envisioning myself the gourmet chef who could just create scrumptious treats with much flourish and little effort. Alas, the cupcakes were unsalvageable. Even my roommate with the miracle touch in the kitchen could not rescue them from their doomed fate. To make matters worse (and to quash my culinary dreams further), I had begun the project with a cake mix. Yes, a cake mix! Don't ask, but just take my word for it: I'm capable of screwing up cake mix. This time around, two years after the “cake-mix incident,” I might attempt to make something with cranberries again. This time, I'll approach with caution, research recipes and follow them to the most minute detail.

Today has been just as gorgeous. After spending only an hour at the school to do some prep work, I just had to burst outside. The fall colours are out. It's the most beautiful time in Inuvik, with the bright yellows interspersed with the green, against a burning blue sky. Ended up walking down by the river. Next time, I'll bring a camera to capture some of the scenery. There was much activity by the river this afternoon. There were barges parked along the bank, gravel piles waiting to be transported to Aklavik, where the flood had caused much damage during spring break-up, and trucks and workers with some strange metallic structures adorned with large warning signs.

Had a barbecue tonight, using up some of the burgers left behind by a friend who had moved out of town. I had planned to read my book (Camilla Gibb's Sweetness in the Belly – not to be missed!) out at the picnic table, but the little bugs pestered all who sat still for too long. It might have been our last barbecue until next June, after a long, cold winter.

I've started getting back into the swing of things; I've started doing more writing again, and have picked up my reading. Writing may never be something out of which I can eke a living. I may not be gifted enough, or lucky enough; however, even if it's not my gift, it's my gift to myself. It feels good to be here right now (I need these parentheses though, because I have yet to start classes, so we'll see).


  1. That "bummed-out" party that you told me your friend suggested is a great idea!!! By all means, make those cranberry cupcakes and shape them like bums! What a laugh! Actually, I'm really glad to hear that you're not so bummed-out anymore.

  2. Wow, a different flavour than good ol' chocolate? Are you sure you're OK? ;)
